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Context Research

Last week our goal was to understand our persona more deeply. We tried to  connect to Georges journey during a random day- what he see, hear, say, think and feel. 


After a massive brain storming we decided that the best way for us to understand him will be to follow him around, see how other people act on public and shared transportation and observe.


We decided to perform participating and non - participating observations on random people while using multi-model transportations around the city.

We have decided on 3 major questions we want to find an answer to:

1. What payment methods do passengers use?

2. How long is the process of the payment?

3. What happenes when there’s a problem with the payment machine? 

Participant and non-participant observations

We wanted to find out how people pay for some of the main transportation services in Israel. We decided to visit the train stations, bus stations and Tel-O-Fun service point, participate a ride in "Monit-Sherut" and try out Bird. 

Next week we will present our progress and finding in front the entire class, stay tuned

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