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Improving the payment experience in the Multi-Model world.

Customer Description

George, 28 years old, a Product Manager in a high-tech company located in Raanana and lives in Central Tel Aviv. George has very high technical skills.


Since George's bikes were recently stolen, He uses Bird's scooter to get to the train station, takes the train to Raanana and then takes another bus to his office.


George doesn't own a private car and he doesn't want to own one - there is a parking problem in his residential area and there are terrible traffic jams in the way out of the city. He prefers using public transportation, using shared transportation or just walk.


George is not a morning person, he never wakes up on time and therefore he is often late for work

Top Customer Needs / Chllenges

  • Every time George looses his "Rav-Kav", (happens pretty often) he has to visit one of the Rav Kav service points in order to get a new one.

  • In order to load his "Rav-Kav" with money, he has to use the app or ask the bus's driver to load it with cash (he never carries cash)​

  • George needs to share his info and connect to a different app each time he uses shared-transportation (Bird, Mobik etc)

  • George needs to pay multiple times a day for different public-transportation services.

  • George spends time standing in line to buy a train/bus ticket everyday.

  • George needs an easier way to pay for his rides.

  • George needs the fastest way to arrive work each morning.

  • When the bus is too crowded, George is forced to take a “Monit-Sheroot” and pay with cash. George never carries cash on him, so when it happens, he has to go get cash from an ATM

” I really don’t understand why do I have to stand in line each time I take the bus or the train if I have a “Rav-Kav”, why am I not charged automatically at the end of my drive? ”



” If you don’t have a Rav-Kav, it’s much more complicated to pay for public transport”

-”I never used cash! Why do I still have to pay cash for public transportation? ”



” I don’t have time to stand in line, not for a train ticket, not for a flight and not in the bus station! I am a busy man. ”


  • Rav-Kav solves only a part of of the problem and not completely.

  • Hop-On - an app that gives the user the ability to pay with their cell-phone for public transportation. The public transport companies do not cooperate with them and therefore there are no users.

  • Pay by Cash - Doesn’t really solve the problem and most people do not use cash anymore.  

  • Pango and Cellopark- solves a similar problem, payment for parking.

  • Using private cars instead of public transportation.​

How might we ease George's payment process experience when he is using multiple public and shared transportation services?

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